Monday, March 9, 2009

Summer Missions Trip

Jim asked me to post this here. This is a letter that we sent out to several people today. We know that some may read it here who did not receive it in the mail, and that the Lord may put this upon your heart. Thank you for reading it.

Dear Friends and family,

We are excited to share with you an opportunity the Lord has opened for us for this summer. As most of you know, we had the incredible privilege of going to Arequipa, Peru in 2007 as assistant leaders for a medical mission’s trip with a group of college students. On that trip, we saw over 3,500 patients and hundreds were saved. The co-leaders of that team, Fred and Corinne Carlson, have become dear friends of ours. Since that trip they have had a desire to develop yearly medical mission’s trips that includes both college students (mostly nursing and pre-med students) and medical professionals. This desire has been realized a year sooner than they thought it would be when the missionaries that we worked with in Peru asked for another team to come and hold another clinic.

The trip will be from July 1-15 with a medical clinic as its primary focus. We desire to go and share the precious gospel of Jesus Christ with the Arequipenos. We fell in love with these dear people two years ago and are excited to return. We also desire to be a blessing to the missionary families that we have come to know, including a young lady (nursing student) who went with us in 2007 and met a young missionary during our second week there. Bekah and Jeremy were married last May after she graduated, and they have just arrived in Arequipa as missionaries. They have been given the responsibility of organizing this clinic on their end and working directly with the team.

For a couple of months, we have been fervently praying that we would be able to go with the team as assistant leaders. The Lord used that trip two years ago to deepen our burden for foreign missions, and we believe that He desires to use us on these short term trips each summer. A team of doctors, nurses, a pharmacist, as well as pre-med and nursing students is currently being assembled. However, at this time, the team size and finances cannot support free passage for us as assistant leaders like we had prayed. Therefore, believing it to be the Lord’s will that we go, we must raise $5,000 as our support for this trip. We know that the time for raising this amount is short, but we know that our God is great. We are trusting Him to do what we cannot do. We know that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

The most important request we have is for your prayers. Would you please pray that God will continue to provide the team members that we need to hold this clinic. Also, pray that many souls would be saved as we go. And, then we ask for prayer for provision and protection.

Secondly, we do need the support so that we can go. Would you consider giving so that we can go? The amount is needed in two installments (April 1st/May 1st). If God places this on your heart, all tax-deductible donations can be sent to:

Go Forth Baptist Missions
P. O. Box 17171
Pensacola, FL 32522
(Check Memo: Showers/Peru---so that the money is credited properly)

We cannot wait to let you know how the Lord used your prayers and gifts on behalf of the Peruvian people.

Yours for souls,

Jim and Kari Showers

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