Saturday, August 23, 2008

Most recent cakes

It has been a while since I have "done some caking" as Jim calls it. Here are two from today. We had a ladies' brunch at church today and I had volunteered to bring a centerpiece for one of the tables. It was a garden themed brunch. I had seen a picture of a cake that I wanted to try, so cake was my centerpiece. Everything on top of the cake is edible, made out of a sugar paste. This centerpiece attracted way more attention then I imagined. I then sent the cake home with our pastor's wife for the family to eat. The second cake was for my office mates' birthday party.


KCC said...

what can i say but, "oh, wow!" you've outdone yourself again. (are you entering these into contests, sending your ideas to magazines, etc.?)

Kari Showers said...

I should, shouldn't I? Just kidding. No I have never thought of that. Thanks for the sweet compliments.

Anonymous said...

Dad wants to know if you will make his birthday cake & send it? lol....actually Sams is on Tuesday.