Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bekah's bridal shower

Yesterday I hostessed a bridal shower for one of our Peru team members (the one I took to the beach for pictures). We had a lot of fun. It was my first time to make a 3-tiered cake. It was way more cake than we needed, but an excuse to try this cake.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Such a big helper

Amelia longingly looks out the front door.

I just had to catch Matthew in the act of being a big helper. He loves to help us out, especially outside with daddy.


I took the kids to a church sponsored community easter egg hunt. They had a lot of fun.

Matthew decides to get his face painted. I had never seen him
sit so still.

He wanted to be a tiger.
Amelia, on the other hand, did not sit still. So all she got was a small flower.
Here are the kids (and my nephew Hunter) at my parents house ready to hunt eggs.
Amelia found an egg.
Matthew was excited with each egg.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blog feature

You all may know this, but I just learned this. If you double-click on any photo, it will open up a large version of the photo (to see it better). Then just arrow back to get back to the blog.

Matthew and Daddy

Matthew and Daddy were all dressed up for church Sunday, so mommy took pictures of them in their suits. Matthew loves wearing his suit coat.

If Jim looks tired, it's because he was up until 2:00 am working on grad school. How fun!!!

Fun day at the park

I took Matthew and Amelia to the park yesterday and got some great shots.

Mexico team

We had another meeting, so I took some group photos. Jim told them to make their funniest faces for one of them. They are a great group of young people.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mexico Team Meeting

We had a meeting with our Mexico team. Next time we meet I will take a group photo (I forgot this time---silly me). But here are some shots of our meeting.

Beach fun

On Tuesday, Matthew and I went to the beach with a college girl and her fiance. Bekah was on our team to Peru: and while in Peru, she met a single missionary guy who was also there with a team. Bekah and Jeremy are now engaged and will be married in May. Then they will head to Peru in January of '09, when they are done with deputation. Jeremy was in town for a visit and Bekah wanted pictures at the beach. It was in the 50's and very windy. Although it was cold, the waves were so majestic. Matthew had a blast.

Beach fun

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Poodle cake

This is my latest cake. A friend requested it for a welcome home puppy party she was having for her best friend (who just got a poodle puppy).

Mexico Trip

As most everyone knows, we took a team to Peru last summer on a 2 week missions trip. This June we will be leading a team of 12 (14 total) to southern Mexico for two weeks. We will be working with PCC grad missionaries Chris and Elizabeth Robertson. They live in Ixtlan del Rio, a town of less than 30,000. Our team is made up of 5 nursing students, one RN (who graduated last year and went to Peru with us), and 6 of miscellaneous majors. We will hold two one-day clinics. They will be focused more on screening and wellness teaching, as there will only be 2 RN's on the trip. We are very excited about this opportunity for ministry in Mexico.